Art Therapy - Expressive Art Therapy

Art Therapy sessions offered in English.

 At the core of the foundation of arts therapy is the assertion that art is a way of being in the world and therefore the creative process of art making is central to improving and enhancing everyday living. The expressive arts set the stage to play with the stuff of the imagination. By playing and, through play, tapping into one’s imagination and by expressing oneself creatively, by means of visual art, music, drama, writing and expressive dance movement, one opens the door of imagination to explore personal images and metaphors that are part of the foundation of our personality. Thus art making in a therapeutic setting helps us to connect with our inner world of feelings and thoughts. Expressive art works under the assumption that through the use of imagination and various forms of creative expression, people can work towards optimizing and enhancing their life by becoming more self-aware, increasing their self-esteem as well as improving interpersonal skills and reducing stress. This is attained by what Aristotle called “poiesis,” meaning: knowing by making, e.g. through the art making one expands one’s range of play and new perspectives (to the problem) emerge. Therefore art making helps to open up one’s thoughts, opening a new horizon of options. We then learn through the action of making. Becoming more aware of how we function and where our resources lie helps us to become more conscious of the choices that are available to us.

 Art making action engages the mind, the body, and the emotions. The process of creating through artistic media in a therapeutic setting helps to discover or re-discover and cultivate our resourcefulness. The arts are used as a container to receive our thoughts, from the world of the unconscious, to the world of the imagination, spilling into a movement, painting, poem, then through colors, rhythms, shapes and forms comes a conscious understanding of the process and the art work. Because art comes from a deep emotional place inside one, creative endeavors enable one to undergo a profound process of self-discovery and understanding.  In a secure environment, through art making and ritual, the person is encouraged to let go and take risks. Taking risks in the art world is less threatening (“safe”), hence stimulating and awakening, leading to surprising results. For the expressive arts there is a link between imagination and sensory expressiveness as a conduit to bringing forth awareness, creativity and change. Our creative process becomes our road to emotional health.

Art therapy is used with children and adults, one on one or in a group setting.

A person is not required to have artistic ability to use or benefit from expressive arts therapy.

There is no wrong or right way to make or do something.